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You Are What You Eat: 7 Food Additives That Are Secretly Making Us FAT

I'm here to tell you that the food industry is lying to you. There are many "safe" food additives on the market that really are NOT SAFE!! Yes, you heard me right AND I will give you a small list of them below to prove it. These food additives are literally making you sicker, robbing you of your youth, and making you gain weight!
Food additives are man-made, synthetic chemicals used to preserve foods, make them taste better, add supposed nutritional value and get this... THEY BYPASS YOUR HUNGER MECHANISM MAKING YOU CRAVE MORE AND EAT MORE FOOD! Now, let's think like the food industry for a second... If people, eat more food and increase in size, then they will crave more food and then we can sell them more food! It's a great way to make money if you really think about it. Very unethical, but brilliant. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, THIS IS HAPPENING! Look around at the American population. Do you really think that it is coincidence that 70% of the US is obese? By 2030, the Journal of Obesity is predicting that 90% of the United States will be obese.

Will You Be A Victim Too?

The sad part about this whole situation is the fact that the general public has no idea that they are being lied to. This reminds me of a quote...
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it and eventually they will believe it" - Adolf Hitler
The media is using psychological marketing tactics to make you believe that foods that are "fat free" are healthy and helping you to lose weight.
Please, please, please don't trust everything that you hear. Especially from the news, commercials, tv, radio, etc. Their job is to capture your attention and sell you things. Whether it be their belief systems or weight loss pills.
Alright, sorry about all the ranting and raving. I just get so emotional about this topic because I see people everyday in my office who suffer because they have been lied to.

The Worst Ingredients On A Food Label

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS): This is a man made sweetener that is cheaper to produce and actually sweeter than sugar. There are actually new commercials touting how healthy HFCS is. They are trying to say that it is safe and natural.
Let me ask you this: Can you squeeze corn syrup from corn? Can mom make high fructose corn syrup at home? NO! It's a lie! Remember the quote above? HFCS is anything but natural and will actually shut off your hunger mechanism allowing you to eat without feeling full which will MAKE YOU FAT!
It is associated with blood sugar problems (ATTENTION Moms: Childhood obesity, and Juvenile Diabetes is on the rise! So is ADD/ADHD. HFCS is a huge culprit!) depression, fatigue, B vitamin deficiency, indigestion and tooth decay.
HFCS is found in soda, candy, condiments, cereals, breads, etc.
Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG): MSG is a food flavoring that is notorious in chinese foods. It is also hidden in a variety of other foods and goes by many different names: hydrolyzed vegetable protein, hydrolyzed plant extract, plant protein extract, sodium caseinate, yeast extract, texturized protein, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed oat flour, natural flavorings and calcium caseinate to name a few... there are dozens more names.
MSG is the MOST addictive substance known to man and makes you want to eat more and more! It is called an excitotoxin because it excites your brain cells to the point that it actually makes them explode and die. Sound like something good to put in you and your kids bodies?
Watch out.. it is found in everything from fast food, to kids snacks, drinks, chips, etc., allergic reactions. (80% of people are shown to be allergic to MSG)
MSG causes headaches, itching, nausea, brain, nervous system, reproductive disorders, high blood pressure.
Artificial Sweeteners: Splenda (sucralose), Nutra-Sweet (aspartame), Equal (aspartame), SweetNLow (saccharin) , sorbitol, maltodextrin, dextrose, and acefulsame are all falsely representing weight loss foods. They are very toxic to your body and will bypass your hunger mechanism, causing you to crave more food. Stay away from anything labeled fat free, lite, no fat, no calories, calorie free, sugar free, reduced sugar and reduced fat. Most of these foods have been filled with artificial sweeteners. READ YOUR LABELS! Is having no calories in your "diet" drink worth the risk?


Mind Over Fatter: How Stress Makes Us Fat And What YOU Can Do About It

We live in a very high stress society. Everyday it seems like it is go, go, go, rush, rush, rush. As soon as you wake up in the morning, you rush to get ready, rush to get the kids off to school feeding them pop tarts and sugar cereal so that they have something to eat, then you sit in rush hour traffic, deadlines at work press your time, rush to get home, rush to get the kids to and from practice, rush to fix dinner (alot of times I bet you are too tired to cook so you resort to your local pizza delivery for your nutritious meal) rush to do homework, maybe a half an hour for your favorite tv show, then it's time to get everyone to bed and you get to get up the next morning and do it all over again!
Now, not only is this stressful at the time, but when you do this consistently for years, your body actually starts to age at an incredible rate.

Stress And Weight Gain

Research shows that the link between stress and weight gain is much stronger than originally thought. A recent study from Georgetown Med Center showed that mice under stress gain extra weight even if their calorie intake doesn't go up. Scientists also report that after 3 months, these same mice became 2x as obese as mice without stress, even though they were eating the same amount!
So does stress really cause weight gain? Well, the short answer is yes. BUT not in every person. Some people lose their appetite and lose weight when they're stressed. (I'm actually one of these people. Eating is the last thing from my mind) IF you are already overweight or close to it, then stress will usually lead to weight gain.
It will also make it harder to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Let's Talk About Stress Baby... Let's Talk
About You And Me!

So What exactly is stress?
Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand. It can be caused by both good and bad experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if their stress is caused by physical danger. But this can also be a bad thing, if their stress is in response to something emotional and there is no outlet for this extra energy and strength.
The two major hormones that are released are called cortisol and adrenaline (epinephrine). Your adrenal glands are responsible for producing the stress hormones. Cortisol and Adrenaline prepare us for emergencies. This stress response has been engrained in our ancestry since the beginning of time and was critical for our survival becaused it provided a heightened state of alertness, allowing us to be ready to fight or run away. (That's why it is called the fight or flight response)
Now this response is great when we faced alot of physical danger that threatened our lives. ( Such as when a saber toothed tiger jumped out of the bushes to try to eat us) Today though, the stress we encounter is quite different. It is more mental and emotional in nature. ( Now, your job may be the saber toothed tiger chasing you) BUT the body will still respond the same way because it doesn't know the difference between physical stress and mental stress.


Better Than Pasta: 4 Simple Substitutes That Will Satisfy Those Carb Cravings

Pasta: One of our biggest cravings and the leading contributor for our weight gain in our society according to research. This is because it is made of processed white flour that is devoid of nutrients and spikes our blood sugar levels causing our body to gain fat.
Pasta< has become a staple in our diet. It is quick and easy to make and you can feed a large amount of people with it. Unfortunately, it is completely devoid of nutrients, extremely high in calories and also a leading contributor to a lot of diseases of lifestyle.
We have been born and raised on pasta. We crave it, we order it at restaurants, we can't get away from it. It is a death trap for dieting and can instantly sabotage any weight loss program.
Don't worry, Fat Loss Factor has come up with some easy substitutes for you. We have compiled a list of perfect alternatives that are healthy, nutrient packed, taste great and will satisfy your pasta craving.
1. Cut the portion size and double the vegetables
Cut the portion size of the pasta to 1.5 oz - 2.0 oz of noodles and then add a bunch of veggies to the sauce. Or, you can just use vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower. Steam for 20 min and then remove from steamer, season with garlic powder and oregano, and then chop roughly.
You can then top it with sautéed onions, mushrooms and red peppers. Finally, pour a healthy spaghetti sauce over the top, sprinkle with just a dash of parmesan cheese, and it's ready to eat.
If you'd like, add a lean source of protein such as chicken or wild salmon.
Try it a couple times. I say this because sometimes the 1st time your mind isn't really giving it the proper chance so you need to give it another chance.
2. Spaghetti Squash
Cut spaghetti squash in half lengthwise and remove the pulp in the middle.
Place open side up in baking dish, sprinkle with 2 tablespoons (25 mL) olive oil, 1 teaspoon (5 mL) garlic powder and 1 teaspoon (5 mL) oregano. Cover with aluminum foil and bake at 375F (190C) for 1-1/4 hours. Remove from the oven.
With a fork, loosen squash, leaving it in shell. The consistency of this squash should be stringy, like pasta. Top with your favorite healthy sauce, a dash of parmesan cheese and serve. You can actually serve this right in the shell.
3. Brown Rice Pasta, Whole grain pasta, buckwheat pasta and quinoa pasta
These pasta's are good alternatives, but make sure that you do not over eat as they are still high in calories. The benefits are that they have more fiber and do not spike your blood sugar like white pasta does. Some of them also have protein. Put these together and you have a healthy alternative to pasta.
4.Shirataki - Made from tofu and flour these power packed noodles are full of nutrition. A serving of Shirataki noodles is just 20 calories, has practically no fat (0.05 grams), 1 gram of protein, 3 grams of carbs and 2 grams of fiber. They are made from filtered water, tofu, yam flour and calcium hydroxide. What does that mean? It means that a large bowl of noodles won't "blow" your diet.
How does shirataki taste? Exceptionally well. Don't be judgmental just yet.
Like other tofu products, Shirataki noodles take on the taste of the foods that you cook it with. You can prepare Shirataki Italian style with sauce, with stir fry, soup, or in casseroles, and it will blend with the flavors of the other ingredients.
The problem is that they are hard to find. Most health food stores are supposed to start carrying them because of their benefits. You can probably find them at asian markets or and
Start adding these substitutes into your daily routine and break that pasta habit. Your body and your blood sugar hormones will thank you!

The Portion Patrol: How To Control Over Eating At Mealtime

We have been born and raised to "eat everything on our plate because there are starving kids in Ethiopia". This advice has been passed down from generation to generation. From our grandparents to our parents and now to us.
The problem that we now face is that the food quality is getting poorer nutritionally and if we follow this advice, it will make us all overweight.
So how do you measure the portion size that is right for you?
It's simple... the size of your fist or the palm of your hand is the proper portion size for you.
An example meal would be a small chicken breast the size of your palm (6-8 oz), a medium apple and a small baked potato the size of your fist. Anything more should be saved for your next meal or snack.
Another point I would like to make is that raw vegetables are exempt from this rule.
You can eat as much raw veggies and salad as you can possibly handle. These type of foods are high in nutrition and not in calories. Natures perfect food by a longshot!
Below, I've listed a few tips on how to control those portion sizes so that you can be satisfied all day long and not be hungry.
1. Realize that there is a difference between being full and satisfying your hunger.
You should never eat to you are full. That is guaranteed fat pockets going straight to your hips, butt and belly. Our bodies weren't designed to take in such a surplus of calories. This full feeling that you get tells you that you have reached max capacity and it is time to break the food down and store it as fat.
2. Make sure that when you eat, always use a small plate. Research shows that since we have been psychologically reprogrammed to eat everything on our plate, the best thing to do is... get a smaller plate. This satisfies the urge.
3. Never supersize your meals if and when you eat out. Fast food is devoid of nutrients and terrible for you. If you "need" to eat out, then eat just a bit to satisfy you, not to get the most value for your buck.
4. The reason that you are having extra cravings and have to eat big portions is most likely due to the fact you are eating the wrong food ratios. You may need to adjust your protein-fat-carbohydrate ratios. It might now necessarily be the type of food that you are eating, but more along the lines of the amount of food that you eating. Make sense?
5. Break your portions down to 6 smaller meals a day. This is actually a golden rule. By eating 6 smaller meals a day, you will not only stop your cravings and eat smaller portions, but you will also give your metabolism a much needed boost. A higher metabolism means more fat burning!
6. When making snacks for yourself, use small baggies or really small bowls instead of eating out of the box , serving bowl or jar.
7. When eating out, fill up on salad first, (very small amount of dressing) before your main course.
8. Last but certainly not least... Eat to live, do not live to eat. What I mean by this is to practice mindful eating. Be conscious of what you are putting into your body. Eat for your health and for energy. Not to satisfy a craving.
Food is overly plentiful in our society. The problem lies in the quality of the food. It is much cheaper and easier to find and prepare calorie dense foods. These have little nutrition and will literally be stored as fat instantly. Eating these types of foods does not satisfy your body because it doesn't have the nutrients it needs. Your body ends up craving more food.

The Spouse Factor: 5 Tips To Overcome A Non-Supportive Spouse

Jason thought that he was supporting his wife, Julie, when she decided that she wanted to lose 75lbs. He was being "helpful" by calling her attention every time she went for "seconds" at the dinner table. He would say things like... Is that your second biscuit? or "I don't know if eating 2 of those is helping you lose weight".

Jason was for sure he was helping her by pointing out those areas of improvement.Little did he realize that his "counseling" actually just badgered her. She even built up resentment towards him, putting a wedge into their marriage.

Jason, being the smart guy that he is, saw the error of his ways and was able to successfully make himself an asset to Julie instead of an obstacle. Does this scenario sound familiar to you?

Spousal/Significant Other support is one of the most important aspects to a successful weight loss program. Most spouses try to be helpful when their significant other is trying to lose weight, but they go about it all the wrong ways. Usually it's by pointing out the stuff the dieter is doing wrong.

In other cases, they may be purposely sabotaging the dieter because of their own insecurities such as: "They will leave me when they are skinny and beautiful and I still look like this" Or the fact that they can't quit their smoking problem, but "she" was able to lose 75lbs.

Unfortunately, "Misery loves company" is a true saying even in relationships.

So what can we do to overcome a non-supportive spouse? Follow these powerful tips:

Make sure that you want to lose weight for yourself and not because "they" want you to. It will never happen unless you can do it for yourself.
Spouses like to play food cop in the name of "your best interests". This is a giant no-no. If you've ever been in this situation before, you know that it doesn't work. It actually seems to ignite the rebel inside us and the opposite happens. For example: "Haven't you eaten enough rolls for dinner?" or, "Don't forget to workout today" etc. Food Cops are obsessive, overbearing and can tyrannize you.
Sit down and have a heart to heart if your spouse acts like this. If you catch yourself "cheating" alot the best solution is to remove all unhealthy snacks from the kitchen.
There might be a deeper issue with your relationship: Talk with him/her first about your struggles. Open communication is always the best solution. If they won't listen, then seek couseling, a doctor, etc. Someone who can help your relationship. This could be the primary reason why you gained the weight in the first place...
Seek support from family, friends, weight loss forums online, or groups. Support is crucial to your success.
Do daily affirmations telling yourself how beautiful you are and how you can accomplish your goal. An example would be:

I choose to lose 15 lbs
I am beautiful inside and out
Even though I am 20lbs overweight, I deeply and completely love and accept myself
Every Day in every way I'm getting thinner and thinner
I am in control of my health

You get the point :-)
It is crucial for you to believe in yourself that you can do anything... because you can. Affirmations reprogram your subconscious mind and retrain it to have a positive thought pattern instead of the negative one from beating yourself down mentally or being beaten down mentally (Whether your spouse knows that they are doing it or not)

Night Munchers Beware: 12 Strategies To Stop Late Night Eating

The late night snack... diet killer...instant weight gainer... weight loss program sabotager... we become our own worst enemy at night.
Why do you not want to snack at night? Mainly because you are going right to bed and everything that you will be eating will be stored as fat. Basically what I'm trying to tell you is whatever you eat at night will go straight to your butt, thighs and belly fat pretty much instantly. I know that is definitely not what you want!
Your body doesn't need energy at night so it's gonna do the next best thing... store it for later!
It's easy to control your diet during the day, but as soon as evening turns into night, you turn into a night munching machine. Looking for that perfect snack that will satisfy your endless craving. This type of snacking will completely ruin a perfect day of dieting if you don't learn to deal with it.
So why do we get the munchies late at night? This isn't an easy question to answer because there are multiple reasons:

So why do we get the munchies late at night?
This isn't an easy question to answer because there are
multiple reasons:

  • You are bored
  • You are lonely
  • You are trying to satisfy your sweet tooth
  • You have a habit of eating while you watch TV
  • You are studying/reading

So how in the world do we break this habit?

According to various weight loss authors, it takes 8-9 days to break this habit. Once broken, late night eating will diminish about 75% of the time.
Here is a list of strategies that will help you to curb your late night eating:
1. This is the easiest tip... Wait 15 minutes. If you start craving ben and jerry's ice cream, wait 15 minutes. It takes about that much time for the temptation to go away. If you still have the craving, move on to step 2
2. Drink a cup or two of water. We will often confuse thirst with hunger.
3. Suck on hard mints. Hard candy is low calorie and peppermint helps to energize the body and sooth digestion.
4. Brush your teeth: This is a great strategy because the last thing that you want to do is to eat after you have brushed your teeth.
5. Drink Herbal Tea: Drink Chamomile tea or peppermint tea before you go to bed. These are soothing and relaxing for the body.
6. Do something to occupy your hands: Paint your nails, play video games, knit, keep your hands busy and you can find off the urge to night munch.
7. Burn sweet smelling candles: Research shows that inhaling their aroma can curb your late night cravings and fool your hunger.
8. Treat yourself to a soothing bath.
9. Remove unhealthy snacks out of your house. I do this one. You eventually get tired of looking and just go without :-)
10. Eat healthy snacks before bed. Some examples are raw broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, red peppers and hummus together as a snack. Make sure that you add a bit of protein or a small amount of fat ( A small handful of raw almonds is a perfect combo of fat and protein) , You can also make a protein and fiber shake.( A scoop of healthy whey protein and a scoop of fiber powder mixed in water and ice if you want. )
11. Eat 6 small meals at regular intervals. Eating small meals throughout the day will help burn more fat and keep your appetite under control by leveling your blood sugar. Your metabolism will also get a boost.
12. Last but not least, Use Emotional Freedom Technique to stop your food cravings. This powerful technique is cheap and easy to learn. You can go here for more information:
For best results, starting adding one of these strategies a week and really make it part of your lifestyle. Soon, you will be able to kiss the late night munchies good bye!

Desk Job Jitters: Easy Ways To Avoid Over-Snacking

Work is a dangerous environment for your waist line. It is really easy to over eat and over snack because you aren't moving around that much, your job is typically repetitive work and you sit all day. Sound familiar? I bet at least part of that statement applies to you.
If it does, then these tips will give you some alternative snacks and some ways to keep you from over snacking.
1. First and foremost, always plan ahead and bring your own snacks. With a little pre-planning you can take the guess work out of snacking and pick the most filling choices.
2. Eat a large healthy breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. You require the most energy in the morning, so eat more food. You have all day to burn it off! NEVER skip breakfast! You set yourself up for failure automatically.
3. Leave your loose change at home and only carry big bills. This will keep you away from the horribly unhealthy vending
4. Stay consistent with your eating... eat 5-6 smaller meals a day. Trust me, once you start on this, you will never leave. Eating 6 small meals/snacks a day will boost your metabolism, keep your hunger under control and keep your energy levels high.
5. Keep a glass of water next to your desk. Drink it frequently. Hunger signals get mixed up with thirst signals. When you feel hungry, take a few big gulps of your water.
6. Keep hard peppermint candies in your desk- peppermint stimulates energy and soothes digestion. Make sure you suck on it and don't bite it!
7. Chew mint gum. Same principle as above. Keeps your mouth "occupied".
8. Try to stay as active as possible. You definitely don't want to be thinking about food all day!
9. Keep your stress levels under control... when in doubt, take a couple minutes, shut your eyes and breathe!
10. Don't give in to peer pressure. Believe it or not, when you stop eating junk food, everybody and their brother will start tempting you and trying to get you to break down. This is because they are feeling guilty because you have the will power to stop and they don't.
11. Drink healthy teas such as green tea, yerba mate, oolong teas, etc. These contain anti-oxidants and other nutrients designed to help you in your weight loss journey.

What are some great alternative snacks?

1. Apple slices and Almond Butter... yes I said almond butter. It's much healthier for you than peanut butter. It can also be found everywhere.
2. Celery and Almond Butter (Natural peanut butter, only if you can't find almond butter)
3. Raw veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, red peppers, green peppers, carrots, snap peas, and hummus to dip them in.
4. Small handful of raw almonds, walnuts, pistachios
5. Healthy beef jerky or turkey jerky
6. A protein and fiber mixed drink... (1 scoop of whey protein, 1 scoop of fiber powder mixed in water and ice if you have a blender)
7. Any raw fruit or vegetable combined with a small handful of nuts.
8. Healthy, protein bars... be very careful with these because the majority are not healthy at all. Make sure that you know how to read ingredient labels.
Your goal for a snack is to balance your carb, protein and fat ratios so that it keeps your blood sugar hormones at bay. You want to avoid the blood sugar crash. Which sucks the energy right out of your body.
Like I mentioned earlier, the key to stop over-snacking at work is proper planning. Add these tips to your lifestyle and see what happens!